Are you a business located in Cattaraugus County? Does your business make something? If so, you will want to hear this.
The Economic Development, Planning, & Tourism department of Cattaraugus County is creating a special website for “Made in Cattaraugus County” where businesses like yours can be listed on for FREE! That’s right, FREE. All you need to do is provide information for us to include in the listing along with a few pictures of the product(s) you make and we’ll add you to the website. Then, when someone asks you how to get on the listing, just send them our way. That’s it…..no strings attached. The information we need includes the following: Company name, owner(s) name(s), company address, company phone number, short description of the product(s) made, company email address, company website, and a couple of digital pictures of the products. We are looking for ALL things made here, so whether it’s handmade jewelry, paintings, honey, jams, pictures, commercial items, or anything anywhere in between, we want to list the business!
Contact us today and advertise your business in one more place….for FREE!