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Business Permits & Licenses

Business Registration/Permit Process

Starting or Expanding your Business may require a NYS Business Permit. The NYS Business Express website will ask you a series of questions about your business to determine what registrations, permits and/or licenses are required. This website is an invaluable tool and can help entrepreneurs in numerous ways. 

For example, let's say John Public is opening a liquor store as a sole proprietorship. He plans on hiring at least one employee, in addition to himself.  After answering the questions on the Business Express website, a custom checklist is created that tells John he needs to: 

  • File an "assumed name certificate", also known as a "Doing Business As" or DBA certificate with the County Clerk where the business is located.
  • Apply for a Liquor Store License in New York State
  • Apply for a Certificate of Authority to Collect Sales Tax
  • Apply for Alcohol Dealer Registration
  • Apply for a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN)

The checklist also provides links for John to get additional information on such topics as: 

  • Unemployment Insurance
  • Workers' Compensation and Employers' Liability Insurance
  • Disability Benefits Coverage

Occupations Requiring a License / Registration

Please visit the New York State Division of Licensing Services for a list of occupations that require registration or licensing in New York State.

SBA Search for Business Licenses and Permits

Every business needs one or more federal, state or local licenses or permits to operate. Licenses can range from a basic operating license to very specific permits. Regulations vary by industry, state and locality, so it's very important to understand the licensing rules where your business is located or where business will be conducted. Not complying with licensing and permitting regulations can lead to expensive fines and put your business at serious risk. Please the SBA website for more information.

Building Permits

Prior to building or improving a structure in Cattaraugus County, you must first contact the local municipality to determine what building permits your project may need and any zoning permits that may be required. Do not skip this step as your business may be fined if you improve a building prior to having it reviewed by the local building code enforcement officer.

Zoning Permit

Before construction or moving into a location to start a business, you will want to contact the local municipality to request zoning information. View the Cattaraugus County zoning map for municipalities with zoning. If you have difficulty contacting the local municipality, please contact the Cattaraugus County Planning Department with your business location to be notified of any applicable zoning requirements.

Permit to Operate

If you are starting a business that falls into any of the following categories, then you will need a Permit to Operate from the Cattaraugus County Department of Health:

  • Food Service Establishments such as restaurants and temporary food stands
  • Temporary Residences (Hotels, Motels, Cabin Colonies)
  • Aquatic Facilities (Public Pools, Bathing Beaches, Spray Grounds)
  • Mobile Home Parks
  • Campgrounds
  • Children's Camps
  • Migrant Farmer Housing
  • Tattoo Shops
  • Indoor Tanning Facilities

Do you have Permit or Licensing questions?

Please contact us with your business questions or comments.